Monday, May 18, 2009


(Reflection): Close your eyes and allow yourself to dwell on God, on soul. Observe whatever comes up that keeps you from being totally present with a higher power. What disillusionment or disappointment might you have experienced toward a higher power, or what anger and resentment might you carry? How does it feel to attempt to sit in the presence of your own spiritual nature and what does that bring up within you?

(Journal): Write a letter to God, beginning with, "Dear God," and closing any way that feels appropriate. Let God know not only what you are thankful for, but where you are disappointed. Let God see your anger as well as your love, your strength as well as your weakness. Say any and all that is on your heart that needs to be spoken in order to clear and deepen your intimate relationship with your higher power.
from: The Quiet Voice of Soul

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