Monday, July 18, 2011


Everyday movement does not really require that we move our upper body separately from our lower body. However, as belly dancers, such isolation is not only beneficial, it is crucial! To gain this isolation, you must practice, practice, practice! But you must also stretch, stretch, stretch. The muscles which help or hinder your isolation are primarily the obliques (the muscles along the side of your torso) the psoas (connecting your pelvis to your torso) and the hip flexors. Stretch one arm over your head, leaning over (but keeping your chest straight i.e., not twisting it forward or back). You should feel a nice long stretch along your ribs and even down across your hips. There are many variations of this stretch - find one you like and that seems to give you a nice long stretch. Better yet, do all the variations. You'd be surprised how they build on one another. Now keep your chest lifted and slide your hips to one side. Really push it out there - feel the stretch across your hip bone. Use hip circles and loose shimmies to warm up your hips and your side muscles. Do these stretches EVERY DAY! When these muscles are long and flexible, they allow you to move your hips without involving the upper body and vice versa.


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